VxWorks / Tornado II FAQ

Add memDrv as a component

I wanted to use the memory driver to store some configuration files on my target. According to the manual I could use the memDrv functions to do this. But I could not configure my kernel in a way that the memDrv library was included, so I had to add the memory driver as a component to the configuration.
Following the instructions on the previous page I made the following decisions:

Create the file 50memDrv.cdf in the directory target\config\comps\vxWorks. This file contains:

 *  File:       50memDrv.cdf
 *  Description:
 *      This file defines the memDrv component
 *  History:
 *      030899 Creation,     J.A. Borkhuis
 *      270600 Changed according to WRS standards

	NAME		Memory-file disk driver
	SYNOPSIS	Pseudo memory device driver
	MODULES         memDrv.o
	INIT_RTN	memDrv ();
	_INIT_ORDER	usrIosExtraInit
	HDR_FILES	memDrv.h

This file adds the memdrv component to the IO system folder and when selected the init function will be called from within the usrIosExtraInit function in prjConfig.c

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